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Monday, January 30, 2017

She's BAAAAAAACK! Lindsay Lohan gets and IG makeover

I was sooooo intrigued when LiLo wiped her instagram account. She was writing poetry and saving refugees with caffeine. All was well in the world. Or so I thought. 

Then Lindsay disappeared. She took off every picture. And the world held its breath. What was to come? Well, we are starting to get an answer. She has posted the three pictures I took a screenshot of. They're all politically leaning. She's dressed demurely, 

 And the hashtags. Oh the hashtags. She has her #theworldisbiggerthan5 which I've already covered. But there are two more new ones that I really want to explore. The first one is #theyearoflindsayLohan. What does this mean? The first time the hashtag was used was 11 weeks ago, and it wasn't by her. I was by an IG handle ConfidentialRecords. The more I look through this guys stuff I almost wonder if he's the dude she's opening the club with. Her NOT boyfriend that she keeps making out with. You have to admit, this is getting juicy.
I'm going to ignore her #peace because like, you may as well post #sunset or #smile or some shit. So cliche its not worth mentioning. I do like her #lohanclub. She is really promoting the club, huh? This is actually happening. In that second picture she sort of says something about how the club is a way to make others happy. In the context of the post I almost get the feeling that she is implying that this club is changing the world, and bringing about peace, as it is making people happy. Right? Like, this is the same person who donated energy drinks to refugees. So yeah, maybe she really does think this club is all the world needs to bring harmony to all mankind.

You know what? I can't even do this right now. I'm a little hungover and I just can't.

-Genesis Pulsifer

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