My extensive research for this includes literally spending all day on instagram. My proof is the two screenshots I just took ten seconds ago.
I have also discovered that if you want to really emphasize what a dumb bitch you are, you can use the alternate spelling of "shewk" and make it all caps. Here's what I'm picturing: someone posts a picture of an eye that has wayyyyyy too much makeup on it and super sharp eyeliner and highlighter that makes the person have a unicorn glow, and the only caption up top is I'M SHEWK.If you haven't seen this exact post like 100 times a day, please tell me who you're following, bc I'm making some obviously bad decisions. But I do it for the....research.
All day, every day. I'm keeping my ear to the proverbial ground just for you, my readership.
And you are welcome.
Stay shook,
Genesis Pulsifer
So glad you are out there being shook for me...i follow mostly Art