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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Let's Cut To The Chase

All y'all care about is our opinion on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I am constantly getting texts requesting my thoughts on the manner (read: one person mentioned it to me and I went huh). So we may as well dive straight it. But I warn you, this won't be the end of things.

First thing's first. My official stance on the matter is: I don't really care.  I really truly never cared. I love friends, so I liked when Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt had the most iconic wedding picture of all time.
I mean, I'm only human. And when they broke up and it was all scandal on the set of Mr. And Mrs. Literally Whatever That Movie was called, it got a little ho-hum. I liked the child army part of the story, all those children, and languages and colors, and genders. Some were adopted and some were from the loins of the holy ones. It was all drama and intrigue. 
They all has those little sassy personalities and kept closing down toy stores to shop in peace. They were living the life, they really were. 
But since they've had this whole drama it went from a little over-the-top to like, extremely over the top. I engage in celebrity gossip to relax. Its like a candy bar for the brain. I don't need serious topics like alcoholism and Child Protective Services to sneak their way into my enjoyment. And listen, I GET that this is real life issues, these people are human and all the other blah you're going to throw my way. If I wanted to hear about the real world I'd just get all inky with a newspaper and really delve into some world politics. Does that sound like what I'm trying to do? Didn't think so.
The only thing I can really grasp about this entire situation is that Brad Pitt went from looking like this:
To dressing like a wanna-be voice over actor who hopes his band will really make it one of these days so he can pay back his mom for the car he broke so she will just GET OFF HIS FUCKING BACK FOR ONCE IN HIS GODDAM LIFE. 
I would say its a shame, but I honestly don't care. The tide ebbs and flows, and time marches on. We have tons of Hollywood Hotties these day, and we're not mourning the loss of this one. I'm just saying its notable. There's not much else to say about it, I can't believe that Brad got drunk once on a plane and tried to fight Maddox and that ended the marriage. There has to be more than that. Years of hidden battle scars that I can't wait to be uncovered. If and when the story gets good, I'll get back to you.

- Genesis Pulsifer

1 comment:

  1. love this post! love. couldn't agree more. waiting for more information...
